Uncovering Your Power speaks to the issues of emotional, physical and psychological abuse within romantic relationships. The book offers support to survivors of domestic violence and individuals wishing to invest in healthy relationships. Uncovering Your Power was written in the peak of the author's own experience with domestic violence and has a purpose to empower readers to free themselves from relationships involving emotional and physical abuse and to find emotional healing, whether they are a victim or an abuser.
Uncovering Your Power encourages readers to heal themselves and engage in healthier relationships and outlets for pain. It's not your typical self-help guidebook as it also incorporates a fictional story of abuse to draw the reader in on a deeper level. Around that fictional story is the author's narrative speaking to her own experience and helpful tips for the abused, those supporting the abused and even the abuser.
Physical and emotional abuse can be quite daunting for those in the midst of the storm. This guidebook offers a resource of compassion that will let readers know they are not alone, there is hope and that there are encouraging steps to help get through the experience and grow as a person in the process.